
This API reference is aimed to help integrate XBO exchange into trading data aggregation platforms.

Base URL

The base url is

As per RESTful design patterns, Public API uses following HTTP methods:

When you are making a request, you can pass arguments in it as:

Timestamps and other time-related fields are in milliseconds.

Parameters for GET endpoints must be sent as a query string.

Parameters can be sent in any order.

If a parameter is sent in both the query string and request body, the query string parameter will be used.

Return codes

200 Successful Request.

201 Created successfully.

400 Bad Request. Check the format of your request for mistakes and try again.

401 Unauthorized. Check if your API key is eligible for using the endpoint.

500 Server Error. Issue on our side. Contact us for more information.

404 Resource is missing. Contact us for more information.


No authentication is required. All the endpoints listed are public.

Spot Trading API Endpoints

API endpoints listed below give access to XBO exchange Spot trading data.


The order book endpoint is used to request a complete level 2 order book, arranged by best asks/bids, for a particular market pair.

HTTP Request

[GET] /orderbook/{symbol}?depth={depth}


Name Type Required Description
symbol string + Market pair for which the orderbook is requested.Format example BTC/USDT
depth number($int32) Orders depth quantity. Depth = 100 means 100 for each bid/ask side. Default depth is 50 Max depth is 250.

Successful Response(BTC/USDT, depth=2)

  "bids": [
  "asks": [
  "timestamp": 1719881818486

Response Fields

Name Type Description
bids number($decimal) An array containing two elements: the ask price and quantity for each ask order.
asks number($decimal) An array containing two elements: the offer price and quantity for each bid order.
timestamp int32 Unix UTC timestamp in milliseconds. States when the last updated time has occurred.


Currencies endpoint is used to provide a detailed summary for each currency available on XBO exchange.

HTTP Request

[GET] /currencies

Successful Response

    "code": "ALGO",
    "name": "Algorant, Ⱥ",
    "type": "Crypto",
    "isDepositEnabled": true,
    "isWithdrawalEnabled": true,
    "minWithdrawalAmount": 25
    "code": "AOA",
    "name": "Angolan Kwanza, Kz",
    "type": "Fiat",
    "isDepositEnabled": false,
    "isWithdrawalEnabled": false
    "code": "APE",
    "name": "Ape coin, ௐ",
    "type": "Crypto",
    "isDepositEnabled": true,
    "isWithdrawalEnabled": true,
    "minWithdrawalAmount": 12

Response Fields

Name Type Description
code string Currency acronym.
name string Full currency name.
type string Type of currency. Can be Fiat or Crypto.
isDepositEnabled boolean Are deposits available for the currency.
isWithdrawalEnabled boolean Are deposits available for the currency.
minWithdrawalAmount boolean Minimum withdrawal amount of a currency.

Trading Pairs

Trading pairs endpoint is used to provide a 24-hour pricing and volume summary for each market pair available on XBO exchange.

HTTP Request

[GET] /trading-pairs

Successful Response

    "symbol": "AAVE/EUR",
    "description": "AAVE vs Euro",
    "baseCurrency": "AAVE",
    "quoteCurrency": "EUR",
    "lastPrice": 91.5515,
    "isEnabled": true,
    "last24HTradeVolume": 3674.694
    "symbol": "AAVE/USD",
    "description": "AAVE vs US Dollar",
    "baseCurrency": "AAVE",
    "quoteCurrency": "USD",
    "lastPrice": 97.8628,
    "isEnabled": true,
    "last24HTradeVolume": 2942.861
    "symbol": "ADA/BTC",
    "description": "Cardano vs Bitcoin",
    "baseCurrency": "ADA",
    "quoteCurrency": "BTC",
    "lastPrice": 0.00000647,
    "isEnabled": true,
    "last24HTradeVolume": 636680.3

Response Fields

Name Type Description
symbol string Market pair in base currency/quote currency format.
description string Full market pair currency names.
baseCurrency string Acronym of a base currency.
quoteCurrency string Acronym of a quote currency.
lastPrice number($decimal) Last price of base currency based on given quote currency.
isEnabled boolean Is the market enabled for the currency. Can be true or false.
last24HTradeVolume number($decimal) Trading volume for the last 24 hours.


Trades endpoint is used to return data on all recently completed trades for a particular market pair for the last 24 hours.

HTTP Request

[GET] /trades?symbol={symbol}


Name Type Required Description
symbol string + Market pair in base currency/quote currency format. Example: "BTC/USDT".

Successful Response

    "id": 251209707,
    "symbol": "BTC/USDT",
    "price": 56103.02,
    "volume": 1,
    "quoteVolume": 60244.40,
    "type": "Buy",
    "timeStamp": 1719918009
    "id": 251126073,
    "symbol": "BTC/USDT",
    "price": 56122.76,
    "volume": 1.4363,
    "quoteVolume": 63267.40,
    "type": "Sell",
    "timeStamp": 1719909799

Response Fields

Name Type Description
id number($int32) A unique ID associated with the trade for the currency pair transaction.
symbol string Market pair the trading order is associated with. in base currency/quote currency format.
price number($decimal) Transacted price of base currency based on given quote currency.
volume number($decimal) Transaction amount in BASE currency.
quoteVolume number($decimal) Transaction amount in QUOTE currency.
type string Type of the transaction. Can be Buy or Sell.
timeStamp boolean Unix UTC timestamp in milliseconds. States when the last updated time has occurred.

Trading pairs Stats

Trading pairs stats endpoint is to provide a statistical overview of market data for all trading pairs on XBO exchange.

HTTP Request

[GET] /trading-pairs/stats

Successful Response


    "symbol": "AAVE/EUR",
    "lastPrice": 91.5615,
    "lowestAsk": 90.5505,
    "highestBid": 92.7372,
    "baseCurrency": "AAVE",
    "quoteCurrency": "EUR",
    "quoteVolume": 357658.30,
    "last24HTradeVolume": 3190.956,
    "priceChangePercent24H": 1.22,
    "highestPrice24H": 92.9529,
    "lowestPrice24H": 90.3496
    "symbol": "AAVE/USD",
    "lastPrice": 98.1573,
    "lowestAsk": 97.4062,
    "highestBid": 99.6304,
    "baseCurrency": "AAVE",
    "quoteCurrency": "USD",
    "quoteVolume": 242767.98,
    "last24HTradeVolume": 2697.422,
    "priceChangePercent24H": 0.51,
    "highestPrice24H": 99.9398,
    "lowestPrice24H": 97.064

Response Fields

Name Type Description
symbol string Market pair in base currency/quote currency format.
lastPrice number($decimal) Last price of base currency based on given quote currency.
lowestAsk number($decimal) Lowest Ask price of base currency based on given quote currency.
highestBid number($decimal) Highest bid price of base currency based on given quote currency.
baseCurrency number($decimal) Symbol of the base coin.
quoteCurrency number($decimal) Symbol of the quote coin.
quoteVolume number($decimal) 24 hour trading volume for the pair in QUOTE coin.
last24HTradeVolume number($decimal) 24 hour trading volume for the pair in BASE coin.
priceChangePercent24H number($decimal) 24 hour price change of market pair in percent.
highestPrice24H number($decimal) Highest price of base currency based on given quote currency in the last 24 hours.
lowestPrice24H number($decimal) Lowest price of base currency based on given quote currency in the last 24 hours.